Holoville.HOTween  1.2.010
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ABSTweenComponentBase class for all HOTween members (Tweener and Sequence)
ABSTweenComponentParmsBase class for all HOTParms
ABSTweenPluginABSTRACT base class for all ABSTweenPlugin classes
BackThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
BounceThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
CircThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
CubicThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
EaseInfoEnumeration of ease types
ElasticThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
ExpoThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
HOTweenMain tween manager. Controls all tween types (Tweener and Sequence), and is used to directly create Tweeners (to create Sequences, directly create a new Sequence instead)
IHOTweenComponentPublic interface shared by Tweener and Sequence
LinearThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
PlugColorDefault plugin for the tweening of Color objects
PlugColor32Default plugin for the tweening of Color32 objects
PlugFloatDefault plugin for the tweening of number values
PlugIntPlugin for the tweening of number values only through integers
PlugQuaternionDefault plugin for the tweening of Quaternion objects
PlugRectDefault plugin for the tweening of Rect objects
PlugSetColorPlugin for the tweening of the color of your choice. Used for changing material colors different from the default one (like _SpecColor or _Emission). Target for this tween must be of type Material
PlugSetFloatPlugin for the tweening of the float of your choice. Used for changing material floats. Target for this tween must be of type Material
PlugStringPlugin for the tweening of strings
PlugVector2Default plugin for the tweening of Vector2 objects
PlugVector3Default plugin for the tweening of Vector3 objects
PlugVector3PathPlugin for the tweening of Vector3 objects along a Vector3 path
PlugVector3XPlugin for the tweening of only the X value of Vector3 objects
PlugVector3YPlugin for the tweening of only the Y value of Vector3 objects
PlugVector3ZPlugin for the tweening of only the Z value of Vector3 objects
PlugVector4Default plugin for the tweening of Vector4 objects
QuadThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
QuartThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
QuintThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
SequenceSequence component. Manager for sequence of Tweeners or other nested Sequences
SequenceParmsMethod chaining parameters for a Sequence
SineThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
StrongThis class contains a C# port of the easing equations created by Robert Penner (http://robertpenner.com/easing)
TweenDelegateEnum of delegates used by HOTween
TweenerTween component, created by HOTween for each separate tween
TweenEventThis object is passed as the only parameter of all HOTween's callbacks
TweenExceptionHOTweenException class. A new HOTweenException is thrown each time HOTween encounters an error
TweenInfoUsed by HOTween.GetTweenInfos and HOTweenInspector, to store info about tweens that can be displayed
TweenParmsMethod chaining parameters for a Tweener
TweenVarA special class used to setup a "virtual" tween, which will not actually be tweened nor updated, but will just set and return a value when you call Update
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