
a lot of work went into HOTween, and a lot more is to come (to fix eventual bugs that should appear, but mostly to add more features). If you use it and like it, even a small donation would be greatly appreciated, and would help funding HOTween's evolution (plus it would greatly boost my self-esteem :P)

Thanks :)
Daniele Giardini

Ohno! This column is so empty! What will I do now?

Maybe writing some non-sentences will help...


See the camel?


Megarobots are cool, but the conversation is quite boring

Sanity is overrated

Jelena is an awesome comic artist


History teaches us what went wrong, so that next time we can go wrong more quickly

x + 3 = Mister X

y + 4 = Madame Y

z + 5 = zzzzzz

Don't tell me you're reading this! Seriously?

No, that's not what I said. That's what YOU said


We are going doooown

And dooooowner!

Oh, look, more non-sentences below!

X: "Hey, have you seen my socks?"
Y: "What am I? Your sockretary?"

This will never end

I'm getting hungry. As soon as I finish writing these things I'm eating something big


What happened to Frank Miller?

I have a cat whose name is Blues, but she's not very bluesish

I wonder...

Is that a wall? A typewriter? A pumpkin? Oh no: it's Humbert! Hey, Humbert, you look good today!




I have 23 more of those, but I'll keep them for later...

Catapraxis! Oops, I'm repeating myself

Now this is the punishment for doing such long pages

Is this it?



Told you I was keeping some for later

Ulysses Rejoyce

Yes, I'm inventing all this stuff in a single session: that's what too much coding will bring you

Chester Brown: I just love his stuff

Did I mention that I was hungry?


See ya

No really, I'm stopping now



DOTween (HOTween v2) IS OUT!
More than 4x faster, more efficient, and with tons of new features.
Check it out


HOTween v1.3.380 (.zip)
It's a simple DLL assembly, which works both on Windows and on Mac.

If you need a version that is compatible with iOS micro mscorlib (used when compiling for iOS with stripping set to max), Windows Phone 8, or Windows 8 Store, here it is:
HOTweenMicro v1.3.380 (.zip)
IMPORTANT: HOTweenMicro has the same API as HOTween, and is needed ONLY if you're compiling for Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 Store, iOS with stripping level set to max (micro mscorlib), or WebGL (or in rare cases, if you get VerificationException errors when animating external plugins while having the platform set to WebPlayer). Otherwise, you should use the regular HOTween on all platforms (which is also a little faster, since it can use stuff that is otherwise incompatible with micro mscorlib).
Note that you can't use both HOTween and HOTweenMicro in the same project, but you can replace one with the other at any moment, without any issue.

Also want the visual editor? Sure:
HOTween Editor v1.1.280 (.zip)
IMPORTANT: if you're upgrading from a version older than 1.1.001 follow the upgrade instructions for v1.1.001.

NEW: Vevusio made a Visual Path Editor: HOPath

Note that HOTween Editor is a separate package from HOTween, so you'll have to install them separately (just place HOTween's files into your project's Assets/Plugins folder, and then import the HOTween Editor package). If you want, you can check the more detailed installation instructions.

HOTween source code

You can access latest changes and source code on HOTween Google Code project.

HOTween license

Read HOTween's license

Release Notes

You can find the latest release notes and known issues on HOTween's Google Code project:

HOTween Changelog - Visual Editor Changelog - Known issues