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For release notes, changelog, and HOTween's Visual Editor, head to Download.

DOTween (HOTween v2) IS OUT!
More than 4x faster, more efficient, and with tons of new features.
Check it out

Please note that the HOTween DLL included in each example package might be outdated. Replace it with the newest one to stay up to date.

Path Basics

2 objects tweening along the same path (using PlugVector3Path), but with different parameters.
The white object is oriented to the path and cycling at constant speed, while the red one is set to look at the white one and Yoyo looping.

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Path Basics

Incremental Loop Type

3 objects using LoopType.Incremental with different ease types, plus one using it with a Sequence.
LoopType.Incremental is a special type of loop which, instead than rewinding or restarting the tween, will "move forward" incrementally (for example: 1 to 50, 50 to 100, 100 to 150, and so on).
It works with all ease types and all plugins, comprising strings and paths.

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Path Basics

Using AnimationCurves for easing

2 objects using an AnimationCurve for easing, instead than the regular built-in ones.

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Using AnimationCurves for easing

More examples coming soon...
(you can directly request them on Unity Forums, following the support guidelines, and I'll see what I can do)